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Why Los Angeles Dodgers jumping into Arizona's pool wasn't disrespectful

13-09-21 11:00
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There are a few good reasons the Dodgers' celebration wasn't disrespectful.

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1. In April, the Diamondbacks asked Dodgers fans who were sitting behind home plate to either change their shirts (they were wearing Dodgers shirts) or move to different seats.

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2. Arizona threw at Yasiel Puig and Zack Greinke earlier this year. And threw at their head.

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3. Arizona apparently asked the Dodgers not to celebrate on the field if they won. Which is a petty request to make. So, the Dodgers didn¡¯t celebrate on the field, they celebrated in the pool off the field.

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So if we want to talk about disrespect, the Diamondbacks have a lot more to apologize for than the Dodgers.

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