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Solomon Burke - None Of Us Are Free

14-05-01 01:15
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Well you better listen my sister's and brothers
'Cause if you do you can hear
There are voices still calling across the years
And they're all crying across the ocean, and they're cryin' across the land
And they will till we all come to understand

None of us are free, none of us are free
None of us are free, one of us are chained
None of us are free

And there are people still in darkness, and they just can't see the light
If you don't say it's wrong then that says it right
We got try to feel for each other, let our brother's know that we care
Got to get the message, send it out loud and clear

None of us are free, none of us are free
None of us are free, one of us are chained
None of us are free

It's a simple truth we all need, just to hear and to see
None of us are free, one of us is chained, none of us are free
Now I swear your salvation isn't too hard too find
None of us can find it on our own
We've got to join together in spirit, heart and mind
So that every soul who's suffering will know they're not alone

None of us are free, none of us are free
None of us are free, one of us are chained
None of us are free

If you just look around you, your gonna see what I say
'Cause the world is getting smaller each passing day
Now it's time to start making changes, and it's time for us all to realize
That the truth is shining bright right before our eyes

None of us are free, none of us are free
None of us are free, one of us are chained
None of us are free

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