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09-03-22 21:19
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The South Korean baseball players have a definite swagger, a way of performing that oozes confidence. They wear flashy blue, red and white uniforms, they wield orange bats and they puff out their chests a bit more than most players. They expect to succeed.

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Watching the South Koreans humiliate Venezuela, 10-2, in the semifinals of the World Baseball Classic on Saturday night was like watching the varsity stomp the junior varsity. The South Koreans ran the bases aggressively, they hammered baseballs out of Dodger Stadium, they made no glaring mistakes and they smothered the Venezuelans.

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By the time Carlos Silva had pitched to six batters, the Koreans already had a 5-0 lead. After Silva left with one out in the second inning, the cushion had grown to seven runs. The South Koreans have a swagger, but once they snatched a sizable lead, that swagger graduated into an unmistaken strut. The South Koreans knew they were jettisoning the Venezuelans.

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Shin-Soo Choo of the Cleveland Indians, who is the only major leaguer on South Korea, belted a three-run homer in the first and Tae Kyun Kim added a two-run shot in the second. Both home runs came against Silva, who started over the more intimidating Félix Hernández. Before the homer, Choo had one hit in the Classic.

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Now that the South Koreans annihilated Venezuela, they will face the winner of Sunday night¡¯s United States-Japan game in the championship Monday night. The South Koreans won the gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and they are one victory from winning another world tournament.

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¡°This Korean team, they showed they are here to win,¡± Venezuela Manager Luis Sojo said.

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Sojo chose Silva over Hernández because he thought that Silva could pitch longer. Sojo said Silva ¡°was the man who has the responsibility to give us that win.¡± But Silva did not come close to winning; he departed after permitting six earned runs in one and a third innings. Hernández, Sojo¡¯s best pitcher, did not uncork one pitch in this elimination game.

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As slick as the South Koreans were in cutting off balls in the gap and making crisp cutoff throws, the Venezuelans were just as sloppy on routine plays. The Venezuelans started a lineup of major leaguers, but they committed four errors in the first four innings. The South Koreans were clearly not intimidated by the players they see on television, delighting a pro-Korean crowd of 43,378.
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The Koreans kept smacking Silva in the second. With a runner on second, Tae Kyun Kim lined a two-run homer. When Kim returned to the dugout, the video scoreboard showed him chewing on a cup. The fans howled. Kim noticed the ruckus so he walked to the top step, lifted his arms and pumped them toward the fans. He had a swagger. All the South Koreans did.

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